Mother’s Day Adventures

Mother’s day was a little different this year. For the good and bad.

The good part was that this year I woke up with my daughter beside me instead of IN my belly, and Seth was there beside me as well. Last year we were in different coountries on this day. A good thing was Marin and I got out for a bike ride and spent a wonderful time with some friends that we ran into.

The bad part was having a full day of dealing with a teething child whose gums hurt her terribly. Oh well, that’s life!

"Tall Bike Tim" out for a political cruise
“Tall Bike Tim” out for a political cruise

While we were slow peddaling along the Springwater Corridor, we came across our friend Tim, parked on the side of the path, handing out Free Floride Free Water to passing walkers and cyclists in an awareness campaign about the issue of having low grade floride chemicals put into Portland’s drinking water, which causes all sorts of health risks especially for individuals who aldeady have health problems.

Anyway, here’s a picture of him on his tall bike towing a trailer behind. Sorry you can’t see the trailer very well.

As most of his water had been drunk up, we waited while he loaded everything back down, then together headed back to his place to visit Jan and show Marin the chickens and pigmy goats at their neighbour’s place.

Getting baahs from the goats and giggles from the girl
Getting baahs from the goats and giggles from the girl